Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Tami Love

A couple of weeks ago, I had the chance to interview someone who is very important in our community. Her name is Tami Love. She’s the mother of three kids and whenever she isn’t working, she enjoys being with her family. She went to college as well. Like most kids, she didn’t really like to attend school. But she knew she needed to go further. She put all her studying and work in night school. She met a lot of friends who were just like her. She started working on Housing Issues in the Logan Square Community.
Tami Love works on housing and education at the Logan Square Neighborhood Association. She helps residents keep the community affordable. She is working with this community to try to make them keep our community affordable with low income. She also helps organize the community and neighbors. She tries to keep neighbors involved with activities. While Tami is working in the community, she has faced some situations within our neighborhood.

As Tami worked in the community, she has seen some things that she felt were unfair. She said, “Anytime there's a problem, the first thing they do is call the police and have everybody arrested. We have the police being called on kindergarteners and getting kicked out.” She believes there is a way to deal with our conflicts within our community. There are programs where they deal with situations in our neighborhoods. She mentions that she likes Peace Circles because it's a good way for people to talk it out. People including adults who are not familiar with social justice need to become more educated on what it is for. On the other hand, Ms. Love has seen some changes while working in our neighborhood.

   Tami has seen people try to learn more than one language or learn about a different culture. She also mentions that she has seen people get stronger and more powerful. She said, “I don't think it's always been been that way. I think that our organization in particular has been pushing people into that direction.” She believes that us students have the courage to change something in our school if we see that something is not right. She sees potential in us. She thinks people have learned about their civil rights and about their civic duties and what they are. As we talked about the changes in life, we decided to ask her about her views on a hero.

   She believes a hero is a person that is not outfront that stays in the background and is willing to put themselves on the line if things were  dangerous. As a kid, she looked up to her brother because he was the oldest and took her for rides. Someone who's her hero was and still is her mom. She went through tough times, but she made it through raising all her six children. Her mom is always there whenever she is having a bad day, that's why she's her hero. She believes anybody can be a hero, as long as they speak well and are not flashy and fancy.

    Ms. Love is a very hard working person who I have looked up to after interviewing her. She is willing to make the world a better place for everybody that way people could have a shelter and not worry about a thing. She is a woman with a big heart who just wants the best for everybody in this world. She is a true hero.

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