Caleb Jennings is one of the many people who fight for workers rights in Chicago. He is a union organizer for Service Employees International Union (SEIU). He is a father of two, and was raised by a hard working single mother. Caleb loves the work he does! He’s brave, intelligent, and he is willing to step up to give others a voice. During Caleb’s work, he has met some very strong individuals who fight against injustices.
For 13 years, Caleb has been working for SEIU. He started getting involved when he was a college student at UIC. He is now part of the “Fight for 15” campaign, which is working towards getting retail store employees and fast food employees a $15 minimum wage. He fights against big fast food corporations like McDonalds, and big retail store corporations like Forever 21. He organizes protests, walkouts, and meetings to speak with the CEO’s of these corporations. Caleb also organizes unions for the workers at these businesses, so they can be treated justly and earn living wages. He finds his work very fulfilling. Caleb has worked with many brave employees fighting against big corporations.
Sonia Ancuna is an example of person who works hard, but is still underpaid by these big corporations. Sonia has 4 children, and she works at two different McDonalds to support them. The “Fight for 15” campaign organized a protest for fast food and retail store employees to walk off their jobs in downtown, Chicago to bring attention to the fact that the current minimum wage is not a livable wage. The goal is to get the attention of the CEO’s of the corporations, and get them to try to fix these problem. They stand in solidarity so they could have a voice about how they work hard, and do not receive livable wages. That day at 5 in the morning, this brave women Sonia took off her work apron, and walked off the job she very much depends on, to fight for what’s right. Caleb is honored to be in the presence of hard working heroes.
Caleb would define a hero as someone who has a variety of struggles, but still works hard to overcome those struggles every single day. “On a personal level, my mom is my hero. She worked really hard, she was single mom who struggled all the time, she always provided, and she always made sure we had food. She would wake up early and get me to school, and do her work. She was just my everyday hero.” Caleb’s kind heart was passed down by his mother, and he just wants to make the world a better place for everyone.
Caleb is also concerned on the way public schools are funded. He says schools are funded from property taxes from homes in the neighborhood. He explained how if you live in a poor neighborhood, there is lower amount of property taxes, and if you live in a rich neighborhood, the amount of property taxes is very high. That is why public school funding isn’t equal. “I think the way to equalize it is that it needs to be a tax base that is equal, it can’t be based on property.” Public schools should be funded equally, so every child can have an equal opportunity. Caleb has a huge heart, and I pray all of his work is appreciated.
I think Caleb is a very kind hearted man. He works hard everyday to make sure employees aren’t being oppressed by the big corporations. The “Fight for 15” campaign is great, and I hope he accomplishes everything he ever wanted to do. Caleb inspired me to never let the man in the big chair and fancy office control me to get wealthier. He inspired me to always fight for the right thing.
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