Stacy Erenberg is one of the many people working to make the Logan Square area a better, healthier, more just place to live and work. She plays two minute shows, works with the Sage Community Health Collective and sliding scale acupuncture bodywork clinic. Stacy also does Chinese massage, she was raised into a buddhist religion, and she lives a biracial life.
Stacy works as a massage therapist using Chinese massage. Stacy works with chi; chi is a form of energy that runs through your body. Chi is life force and energy. “Chi flows through us. It flows in different pathways throughout the body and every pathway has a different direction. Every pathway has a different patterns in balance, that are sort of a particular in that way and every person.” Stacy had gone to a college called Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in Chicago. In college Stacy had met her two business partners, which do the acupuncture. Stacy has been doing acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine to cure her terrible allergies. Now that Stacy is doing that she feels that she has more energy. Stacy sees Western medicine as a life saving medicine because its mainly for surgeries and other medical reasoning.
Stacy live in a biracial life she is black, Russian and Romanian. Her mother is black, and Stacy was raised in Chicago. Stacy ancestors on her mother's side came from New Orleans around the nineteenth to twentieth century. Most blacks that are in Chicago are from the south around the twentieth century. Her father is white but her father’s ancestors are Russian and Romanian Jews. They had came over from Russia and Romania around the same time as her mother's ancestors came from the South to Chicago. Her father's ancestors came by boat as immigrants before eastern European Jews were considered to be white.
Stacey was raised Buddhist. Her parents met through this Buddhist organization. Stacy’s father was very involved. Her father was the religious leader. Then her mother and father had left the organization because they had gotten really disillusioned. Stacy was raised doing Buddhist practices. She believes that she had sort of “inherited the way she see the world.” Stacy does her own Buddhist practices but not within the organized group.
Stacy does two minute shows. Her father is actually playing in one of them in the live band as the drummer. Stacy is a singer in the play, so she is singing poetry. The story is about a biracial person who is Jewish. Stacy had wrote the two minute show with a friend of her’s. From going to several colleges, learning the way of Chinese medicine, creating her own schedule in her way in the business world, Stacy seems to be doing just fine. She doesn’t seem to be so chaotic or pressurized. Stacy is really relaxed and has a great sense of humor. From my point of view, Stacy is very funny, laid back, and knows what to do or how to deal with certain situations.
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